Monday, April 27, 2020

End-point Assessment Determines the Suitability of Health and Social Care Apprentice

End-point Assessment Determines the Suitability of Health and Social Care Apprentices for Jobs in the Sector

Most health and social care workers go through a period of study that gives them the knowledge about the field. It is important that the skills and capabilities that they have acquired during this training be properly assessed before they are considered fit for further employment. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

End Point Assessment Organisation

An End Point Assessment Organisation Must Be Unbiased and Independent -  To ensure that the trained apprentice has the skills to do the job they have been trained for it is important that a final assessment or end point assessment be made on completion of the training.  To ensure that such final assessment is unbiased and factual it can be of great advantage if it is carried out by an independent end point assessment organisation.